Anne of Green Gables Activity & Coloring Book: Solve the puzzles and color your way though Anne's adventures
Since 1908, Lucy Maude Montgomery heartwarming story of Anne Shirley, an orphaned girl adopted by Mathew and Marilla Cuthert has captivated readers of all ages. Join the adventure by solving word searches and cross word puzzles regarding Anne's life. Color some of Anne's best quotes and pictures of Anne, Gilbert, Marilla, Mathew and Diana.
While created for young readers, Anne of Green Gables activity and coloring book is fun for all ages.
Prefer a printed copy? Buy Anne of Green Gables Activity Book"> on Amazon.
Price: $4.99
Scissor Skill Circus
Developing fine motor skills can be fun! With the Scissor Skills Circus, your little ones can enjoy coloring and cutting out circus images such as food, clowns, entertainers and more.
Each page has 1 large picture for cutting and coloring.
Book details:
8.5 x 11* 42 pages to cut and color
Each page has a cut line to show your child how to remove the picture from the book
As your child progresses through the book, the difficulty level increases
Prefer a printed copy? Purchase directly from Amazon Scissor Skill CircusPrice: $4.99